“How to Do Code Documentation?”

I saw this question:

I made a simple networked game in Java for a university assignment, and I need to document it. I was wondering how real-life developers do this. What is the common and best structure for documentation?

My answer:

Real-life developers do very little old-school commenting and documenting. Instead, clean coding, good naming, and full function signatures so that code is as self-documenting as possible.

With that caveat, best practices are:

  • Doc tests: they’re living documentation.
  • Type hints or annotations (depending on the language) in function signatures. Again, they’re living documentation.
  • Comments for why, not what. Variable names, function names, and type hints/annotations should document the “what”.
  • Docs for how to install, what’s in it for the target audience (the WIIFM in marketing-speak), screen shots of the deliverable.
  • In algorithmic code, notes on motivation for choosing a particular algorithm, why it’s implemented a particular way, etc.

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